Wine Storage Blog

Custom Wine Cellars & Wine Storage Insights

technology & wine

  1. Wine Screw Caps vs. Corks: Round 1 (USED ELSEWHERE)

    Wine Screw Caps vs. Corks: Round 1 (USED ELSEWHERE)

    Wines with screw caps are becoming more and more popular.  Though some purists hold fast to the idea that corks are the only appropriate wine stoppers, several connoisseurs have been greatly pleased by the benefits of screw caps in recent years. Not only do screw caps allow for the tightest seal, they completely eliminate “cork taint” (TCA contamination) and oxidation...
  2. 3 iPhone Apps for Wine Lovers

    3 iPhone Apps for Wine Lovers

    When you're shopping for wine, you don't always have a wine expert -or even your computer- close at hand.  But no fear.  There are tons of apps available for your iPhone that can help you pick a bottle.  Check out a few of our favorites: Wine Snob:  Wine snob gives you detailed information about the bottle in your hand.  It...
  3. 3 Blackberry Apps for Wine Lovers

    3 Blackberry Apps for Wine Lovers

    Well, our last post was about wine-friendly apps for the iPhone.  So it's only fair that this time, we talk about what kind of wine apps Blackberry users should take advantage of.  Droid users, don't feel left out--you're up next! Wine Enthusiast Guide: Called "the ultimate wine companion" by developers, this app contains a database of wine reviews, with 1,000...
  4. 3 Android Apps for Wine Lovers

    3 Android Apps for Wine Lovers

    This week, we've been highlighting must-have smartphone apps for wine lovers.  We've talked about apps for the iPhone and Blackberry, so this time, let's turn our attention to a few great wine-friendly apps for the Android. Wine by the Bar: This app's motto is "Sip, Scan, Share," and it allows you to do just that with your favorite wines.  Android's...
  5. eSommelier Wine Collection Management System

    eSommelier Wine Collection Management System

    If you have a growing wine collection, there's one thing you can't do without: a system for keeping track of your bottles.  Ok, you need a proper storage space and a climate-controlled environment too, but once you have those things, organization really is essential.  If you don't know what's in your cellar, your collection can quickly turn into chaos. Keeping...
  6. 3 More Wine Apps for Android

    3 More Wine Apps for Android

    Since our post on 3 Android Apps for Wine Lovers is so popular, and more apps are coming out for Android all the time, we figured we'd showcase a few more! Wine Dictionary: Even expert collectors occasionally run across a wine descriptor they've never seen before.  This wine glossary app isn't fancy, but it does the job: whether you're in...
  7. Manage Your Wine Cellar From Your iPad!

    Manage Your Wine Cellar From Your iPad!

    The eSommelier touchscreen computer and barcode scanner & printer We've talked before about eSommelier wine management systems, a fabulous barcode-based computerized organization system for wine cellars, but they have recently announced some upgrades that really kick up the value of this product. One of those new features is the iPad access. eSommelier has optimized their web access for the...
  8. 3 More Wine Apps for iPhone

    3 More Wine Apps for iPhone

    Since we got such a great response to our original 3 iPhone Apps for Wine Lovers post, we thought we'd give you iPhone-wielding wine lovers three new reasons to shop for apps.  Here's what's new and cool: Wine Info: If you're feature-happy, this is the app for you.  It allows you to scan the barcode available on most bottles...
  9. iWine for Your Wine: A Great iPhone App

    iWine for Your Wine: A Great iPhone App

    The ability to consult your own palm-sized wine journal, at any time, is now available for a flat $2.99.  That’s right!  Brought to you by Ageasoft, LLC, iWine is an iPhone app that makes a wealth of wine knowledge accessible at your fingertips.  Packed with extensive wine info, wine experts will be delighted by this handy wine encyclopedia-cum-oenophile.  And if...
  10. The Wine Doctor Is In!

    The Wine Doctor Is In!

    Wine Ph.D. With access to information about thousands of wines, all filterable to match criteria including price, varietal, region, and food pairing, Wine Ph.D. by Perk Software allows users to do all of this, plus more.  This informative, elegant program lets you view wine ratings from professional wine publications, rate wines yourself, photograph and catalogue your wines, add personal tasting...
  11. Wine Cellar Pro by Velvet Vine, a Wine App

    Wine Cellar Pro by Velvet Vine, a Wine App

    Featured on Apple’s own website ( in May of 2010, Wine Cellar Pro by Velvet Vine, created by Tap Leap Software, LLC, quickly became one of the top five recommended iPhone applications.  Allowing users to manage wine inventories, track purchases, and take personal tasting notes, Velvet Vine also allows users to share their wine journals, tasting notes, and reviews with...
  12. A Wine App Welcome in Your Kitchen

    A Wine App Welcome in Your Kitchen

    Nat Decants, an iPhone app, is designed to make your mouth water!  This free app--yes, I do mean free--is a conglomeration of ten wine programs interfaced into one easy-to-use application.  Therefore, it is extremely convenient, not to mention affordable! Not only does Nat Decants provide thousands of wine reviews, articles, and winery listings, its really tantalizing features are its ability...
  13. Wine by the Bar: an iPhone App

    Wine by the Bar: an iPhone App

    In a rush to get the info for a few new bottles you're looking at?  Having dinner in a place where it is improper to spend time entering wine information on your phone?  Have no fear; Wine by the Bar is here!  Wine by the Bar, a nifty app for the iPhone, makes use of your phone’s camera to...
  14. Virtual Wine Communities

    Virtual Wine Communities

    There really is no substitute to being a part of a friendly group of wine tasters!  Not only do you come to know one another’s preferences, you are also exposed to numerous wines you might not try if left to your own devices.  In addition to broadening your horizons, your close group of enthusiastic wine peers can make recommendations based...
  15. Visit Vintage Cellars' Wine Storage Education Center!

    Visit Vintage Cellars' Wine Storage Education Center!

    Have a question about how wine cooling systems work?  Wondering about the similarities and differences between various wine racks and wine racking kits?  Need help choosing the right wine cabinet for your needs and living space?  Perhaps you simply want to learn more about how wine preservation systems work to keep your open bottles as fresh as possible?  Now is...
  16. Wine in a Box? How Fancy!

    Wine in a Box? How Fancy!

    If you've seen the film Grumpier Old Men, what was your reaction when Walter Matthau introduced Sophia Loren to wine in a box?  While boxed wines used to be cheap and über sweet White Zins (or fruit-flavored abominations!), today there are some boxed wines that are pretty decent.  I've been pleasantly surprised by a few at recent tastings, those...
  17. ETL-Certified Monterey WineKeepers: The Safest Way to Preserve & Dispense Wine

    ETL-Certified Monterey WineKeepers: The Safest Way to Preserve & Dispense Wine

    Several of Vintage Cellars' products are ETL-certified (see our Education Center article about ETL for more information about the certification), but three of the new Monterey WineKeeper products are our first WineKeeper Wine Preservers & Dispensers to be tested and approved by Intertek's Electrical Testing Labs! Feel confident that our Monterey 4-Bottle ETL WineKeeper, Monterey 8-Bottle ETL WineKeeper, and Monterey...
  18. Musical Wine Glasses

    Musical Wine Glasses

    When was the last time you ran a moistened finger along the rim of a crystal wine glass, making it sing?  Perhaps, after reading this post, you’ll give it a try tonight! Concerts of “glass music” produced by this same technique used to be all the rage in Europe.  There were even performers, like the blind Marianne Kirchgessner, with entire...
  19. Cool It! Time to Check Your Wine Cooling Unit

    Cool It! Time to Check Your Wine Cooling Unit

    Summer is in full swing!  And during the summer, increased temperatures often cause wine cellar cooling units to work longer and harder hours.  While most cooling units are expected to last five years if running continuously, the majority of cooling units (those run only when needed) function for many, many years beyond this grave estimate.  However, the time may eventually...
  20. Natalie MacLean Wine Picks & Pairings: Recently Improved!

    Natalie MacLean Wine Picks & Pairings: Recently Improved!

    Although we’ve already given this app our stamp of approval back in May, its continued popularity and recent improvements have made it emerge as one of the most practical wine and food apps ever.  Renamed from Nat Decants to Natalie MacLean Wine Picks & Pairings, and updated to version 2.2 on July 19th, the app’s already convenient barcode scanning logic...

Items 1 to 20 of 39 total
