The wine and wine storage industries are not immune to tough economic times. I read a statistic not long ago that showed the consumption of wine is up (by volume) while revenue is down roughly 25%. Basically that means we are all drinking more wine--that’s a plus. The bad news for the wine industry: the market has moved to less expensive, lower quality wines. The even worse news for the wine storage industry: those wines are consumed and not moved to long term storage.
People still needs wine racks to store their wine. The average wine collector still wants a quality place to store their wine. But in many cases, the luxury of a
custom cellar is no longer attainable. How can you get a custom-looking wine cellar at a kit price? The answer:
Vintner Wine Racking Kits. The kit side of the wine storage has always been plagued by the lack of adaptability. If a kit is 72 inches high, it’s 72 inches high. There is no real design, spirit or imagination that accompanies a kit design.
Vintner Wine Racking Kits have solved that problem. They come in 4 foot and 3 foot high sections to adapt to different ceiling heights. An individual or designer (like myself) can add some wine racking imagination with stackable kits. There are also different base heights, molding options and a center trim molding to create a custom wine cellar feel. Recently, to help Vintage Cellars customers fit into a specific budget, I have designed a specific wine cellar using Vintner Kits. I’ve been impressed with the results. If your budget does not allow a complete high quality custom design,
semi-custom wine racking kits are your next best option. It’s flexible, design-friendly and high quality. Sound like the solution for you? Call me and let’s discuss your new almost-custom wine cellar design.