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A Relaxing Escape: This Backyard Wine Cellar in Calabasas Will Excite Your Senses

Outside view of backyard wine cellar in Calabasas, California with two chairs

Yes, you can have a backyard wine cellar in California! This project in Calabasas will show you just want you need to do to properly insulate (and you don’t have to compromise on an amazing wine cellar you can have). This shot shows the wine cellar outside in the backyard with two chairs

Vintage Cellars recently completed the construction of a backyard wine cellar in Calabasas, California. The wine cellar has a decent capacity of 1,715 bottles and is made entirely of unfinished white oak, giving it a traditional look and feel. The client’s preference for a capacity-driven design led to individual bottle racking and angled display rows, creating a visually appealing and practical storage solution.

Low-angle view of stunning unfinished white oak wood wine racking in backyard wine cellar in Calabasas

Look at the wine cellar from a low angle showing the stunning unfinished white oak wood wine racking in backyard wine cellar in Calabasas.

This outdoor wine cellar is ideal for collectors looking to store a robust collection. The traditional white oak material and individual racking system give the cellar an elegant, refined aesthetic. Larger format bottles integrate seamlessly into the view with convenient magnum storage. LED lighting highlights labels and fills the cellar with a warm glow to enhance the wine viewing experience.

Overall, Vintage Cellars has delivered a functional, beautiful backyard wine cellar with distinctive features to satisfy the needs of wine enthusiasts in Calabasas and beyond. The combination of ample capacity, versatile racking and display options, dedicated magnum storage, and attractive lighting makes this a cellar any wine lover would be thrilled to show off.

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With more than 30 years of building Custom Wine Cellars, we are experts in designing and building Custom Wine Cellars from soup to nuts. We help clients nationwide and would be glad to give you a free design for your custom wine cellar.