- These Diamond Cube wine racks. You can stack them to fit your space perfectly, and the shape is so unique and cool.
2. This Vinotheque Wine Credenza. It's a beautiful place to display your family photos, it's a buffet table, and it's top-of-the-line, climate-controlled wine cabinet.
3. This 8-bottle Monterey WineKeeper system. Ok, so you'd probably have to be a restaurant owner to need this model, but that doesn't mean you can't dream, right? This system would mean that you could open multiple bottles at once for a tasting, and then keep them fresh for weeks. And we have the more reasonably-sized ones, too, if you just can't see giving up your microwave for this baby.
4. This Ultra Floor-to-Ceiling Wine Rack. There's something to be said for the modern touches in wine cellars, and it's pretty cool to be able to display all your bottle labels.
5. This Eurocave Performance 3-Temperature Wine Cabinet. The king of all wine cabinets. Three temperature zones. No bottle need ever be improperly chilled again.